Payment method

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We divide each month into two earning periods, these are:

  • I. earning period: 1st - 15th of the month
  • II. earning period: 16th - till the end of the month


  • Payout limit is the amount of earnings you need to collect in order to get paid on the payout date of that period (you can read more about payout dates under PAYOUT DATES section.
  • Important! Your first payout is sent when you earn over $100 in total, except for wire transfers, where it is $300.
  • Please see the payout limits here.


If your earning reaches the minimum payout limit in any given period, your payment will be sent within 15 working days after the period end. Note: weekends, public holidays are not working days!


If you earn less than the payout limit in a period then the amount will be rolled over to the next pay period.


Please note that you cannot change payout-related information (payment method, minimum payout limit, payout frequency) between 1-10 and 16-26 of each month as these are the payout periods on SoulCams So the dates when you can change these settings are: 11-15 of each month and 27-till the end of the month.

If you would like to change your payment settings then do the followings:

1. log into your studio or solo performer account.
2. click on the menu: Settings / Account and Payment settings
3. scroll down the page to the 'Payout information' section and do the necessary changes and hit 'save' when you are finished


Please note that sends payouts in EUR, by default (except CosmoPayment where it is USD), however you can select and ask for USD payments too.


payment method min. payout limit currency Transaction fee more info website
Wire (bank) transfer $300 EUR or USD 10 EUR / 10 USD read more  
Paxum $100 EUR or USD 2 USD read more
CosmoPayment $100 USD 4 USD read more
PayPal $100 EUR depends on the amount sent read more



  • As the account holder, you are responsible for paying the banking fees. The wire transfer has a fix fee of 10 EUR (regardless of the amount) that the bank will deduct from the final amount you receive. Tip: set a higher minimum payout limit than 100 to save on transfer fees.
  • We send wire transfers in EUR and USD currencies by default. You have to make sure that your bank account is able to receive the currency you choose when adding the wire transfer details in your settings. If you need another currency (CAD, GBP, HUF, etc), it is also possible, but make sure to contact us about it.
  • The minimum payout limit for wire transfer is: $300.
  • Wire transfers usually take 3-5 business days depending on your location.

Conditions for receiving wire (bank) transfers from us:

  • You must have a valid (not expired), government-issued photo ID in latin letters uploaded ('Personal' tab)
  • A valid billing address must be added ('Billing' tab)
  • If you are outside the EU (European Union), UK and USA, you need to print and sign the SoulCams Model/Studio agreement and send it back to us. We will send you the relevant document for signing when you have a payout due.

To send your wire transfer payment, please make sure to fill out the following bank account details:

  • Payee name: the person to whom money is being paid. This is the 'account holder' or 'beneficiary'. Please enter only unaccented alphabetical letters here (A–Z or a–z.). The 'Payeee name' must be exactly the same as the owner of the bank account. Add the name of the Account Holder right, do not shorten the name in any way (e.g. If the Account holder is: Kate Smith Birmingham than add this name exactly and DO NOT shorten it like Kate S. Birmingham or K. Smith Birmingham, ...)
  • Account number: this row of numbers identifies your individual account.
  • IBAN: = International Bank Account Number. Almost all banks in Europe provide an IBAN identifier for their accounts as well as nationally recognized identifiers. Contained within the IBAN is information about the receiving country, bank, branch and account number. The IBAN is up to 34 characters long and includes numbers and letters. To be sure that you add your IBAN properly, you can check it first on this site: Check IBAN / show more information. The following page also might be useful if you are not sure about your IBAN format: IBAN formats by country
  • SWIFT/BIC code: = Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). These codes are used when transferring money between banks, particularly for international wire transfers between banks. The SWIFT code is 8 or 11 characters and consits of numbers and letters (to check what type of characters a SWIFT code contains and to read more about SWIFT code click here). The SWIFT code can sometimes be found on account statements, if not then please call your bank and ask the SWIFT code from them (sometimes SWIFT code is called as BIC code = Bank Identifier Code too. The following page might be useful to find out your bank's SWIFT/BIC code if you are not sure about that: online BIC/SWIFT code finder
  • ABA/Routing number: (ABA = American Banking Association) Those who have their bank account outside the USA, the ABA / Routing number is not needed (in this case leave this field empty). The ABA routing number is a 9–digit number assigned to financial institutions by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn.

Recommended wire (bank) transfer solutions

Some of you may have worked as a webcam model for longer. You surely remember the shocking news when one of the biggest payment platforms ePassport went down in September 2010. Many companies lost a lot of money and even more models and affiliates were left with no option to withdraw or spend their money.

Fast forward to May 2018, FirstChoicePay (and the Belize based Choice Bank) went down, again leaving many businesses and people without money. These events show, that if you want your money to be save (and why wouldn’t you?) you should keep it with an established financial institute. Storing your money on a virtual wallet, provided by a dubious company, registered on a Caribic island, with no bank guarantee isn’t exactly safe. It’s more like gambling or Russian-roulette.

What you need is a bank account, with a trustworthy Bank. You might say, that banks can also go bankrupt and you might be right. But the chance is much lower, that an established and prestigious bank would go down from one day to another. We, as a webcam platform must make sure, that we receive our money in time and can safely and legally move that money. You, as a webcam model must also make sure, that you can receive your money and that money is safely kept.

This is why we decided to offer a few tips on how to get paid safely and which companies we trust, when it comes to receiving payments.

The good old bank (bank account)

Having a bank account at a reputable, local bank is what we consider the safest. You can receive money in different currencies (at least in USD and EUR if you want), you can have a debit or credit card and you do not have to worry about losing your hard-earned money. Look around in your country, try to find the best deal. Remember, cheap is not always the best!


Wise is a London-based money transfer service. After registration, you get your own bank account number (IBAN) and can receive money in all major currencies like EUR, USD, GBP, CAD and many more. You can also get your own debit card that you can use at ATMs all over the world or pay directly in shops. They have a very transparent pricing scheme so you will not get and surprises in form of hidden costs. Wise is on the market since 2011 and are authorised by the FCA. This means, that they are controlled regularly by the authorities.

Wise account fees:

  • Creating account: 0 EUR
  • Wise debit card: 6 EUR

Sign up for Wise here:


Revolut is also a UK fintech company, founded in 2015 with the headquarters in London. Their solution allows you to receive and send money quickly and safely. Revolut comes with a mobile app and a debit card. Opening an account is easy and only takes a few minutes. The mobile app offers you many options to handle your money: send to family and friends, exchange between currencies, view your spendings and a lot more.

Revolut account types and fees

  • Standard: 0 EUR / month
  • Premium: 7.99 EUR / month
  • Metal: 13.99 EUR / month

Sign up for Revolut here:!AUG2-24-AR


N26 is a fresh fintech company from Germany, offering a very intuitive mobile app to take control over your finances. You can order a debit card, that comes in 5 different colors and you can choose the one you like best. The account and card works with Apple Pay, so you can use it to pay directly from supported Apple phones. The paid accounts (You and Metal) come with basic travel insurances, up to 5 and 8 free withdrawals within the Euro zone and up to 10 sub-accounts.

N26 account types and fees

  • N26 Standard: 0 EUR / month
  • N26 You: 9.90 EUR / month
  • N26 Metal: 16.90 EUR / month

Sign up for N26 here:



More about Paxum

The Paxum global e-wallet is a leading alternative payment service for the online entertainment industry. The award-winning payment company offers a cost-effective and secure service that allows users to easily send and receive money instantly all over the world with just an email address. By choosing this option, you will be paid on your Paxum virtual account from where you can easily transfer funds to your Paxum MasterCard® card or to your local bank as well as to external credit cards.

About Paxum MasterCard

Paxum Prepaid Card is accepted worldwide. You can make transactions online or go to a store and make signature based purchases just like you would do with any other regular credit card. You can also use your Paxum Prepaid Card to withdraw money from most ATMs around the world.

Every verified Paxum client has the option to request their own Paxum Card after account verification is complete.

Please read more about Paxum MasterCard at Paxum's official FAQ page:

Personal Account Fees

Learn more about the personal account fees at Paxum's official site:

How to receive your money via Paxum on SoulCams?

  • If you do not have a Paxum account yet, you need to register one at and provide us your Paxum username which is your Paxum email address.
  • You can provide your Paxum email address in your account at menu: Settings/Account and Payment settings (bottom of the page).


Cosmopayment logo.png

More about CosmoPayment

  • CosmoPay is an e-wallet debit card that money is deposited onto. You will need to create a CosmoPay account to receive your payout. If you do not have one yet, register an account on their site:
  • You can study more about CosmoPayment on their FAQ page:

About the CosmoPayment Prepaid Card

  • Cosmo Payment will issue a reloadable card that you can use much like a debit card for purchases and to withdraw funds from ATM’s. While you await the arrival of your Cosmo Payment card (issued by Cosmo Payment), you will have access to a “virtual card” that you can use for online purchases (as funds are available).
  • A Prepaid Card provides you with access to all merchants and Cash Machines (ATM) that accept payment cards. With this card you do not have to apply for a bank account or pay interest like on a credit card. The Prepaid card is a card that carries a variable amount of money based on the amount loaded onto the card. Each time you use the card to buy something or withdraw cash at a Cash Machine (ATM) the purchase amount is deducted from the available balance.

Your Cosmo Payment SAN number

The SAN number is the 9 or 10 digit number you received when you opened your COSMO Payment account. The SAN number can be found ont he back of the prepaid card or under the ’My account’ page of your CosmoPayment account.

Currency and transaction fee

CosmoPayment transfers are sent in USD and have a fee of $4 that will be deducted from the final amount sent to you.

CosmoPayment Fees

Please check out all applicable CosmoPayment fees on their website:

How to receive your money via CosmoPayment on SoulCams?

  • If you do not have a CosmoPayment account yet, you need to register one at and provide us your CosmoPayment SAN number.
  • You can provide your CosmoPayment SAN number in your account at menu: Settings/Account and Payment settings and 'Payout' tab after selecting CosmoPayment.



More about PayPal

  • PayPal has become well-known as one of the first options that provided consumers the ability to send and receive money online. In addition to letting you send and receive cash, PayPal also offers credit and debit cards that you can use to access your Paypal balance for online payments and in-person purchases.
  • You can link your preferred credit, debit or prepaid cards or your bank account to your PayPal account and transfer money to any of those. PayPal accepts a range of cards including Visa / Visa Delta / Visa Electron; Mastercard / Eurocard; Maestro; American Express. Therefore, if your prepaid card has any of the following symbols on it, it can be linked to your PayPal account and transfer the money there.

How to receive my payments via PayPal from SoulCams?

If you want to use PayPal to receive money from us, you need to have a PayPal account and provide us the e-mail address associated with your PayPal. Please do it in your SoulCams account at 'Settings / Account/Payment settings' menu (at the bottom of ther page). If we send you a payment, you’ll receive an email notification. You’ll need to manually accept the first payment you receive. The payments received afterwards will be automatically accepted into your account.