Tip menu
Creating your own Tip Menu will help members have a better understanding of what you are willing to do and how many tokens it will cost them. This menu will appear both in your profile and in your chat interface while you are online.
You can add up to 25 tip menu items to the list and you can update it any time you wish so.
Make sure you let your users know what you offer and what that costs, and keep your costs reachable! If you're asking for too much, users may be hesitant to participate. And you can make more money with 5 $20 shows that you can reach easily within an hour than a single $100 that takes two hours to get enough tips to start.
Last but not least, don't be afraid to ban anyone that is being disruptive or rude. If they're being outright abusive, let us know and we'll look into it :)