Studio Signup

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Revision as of 14:28, 12 September 2017 by Feco (talk | contribs) (CREATE A STUDIO ACCOUNT)
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  • Studio username: you will be asked to choose a username (for example the name of your studio), a password and a valid e-mail address. 'available' means that the name you would like to add is not reserved and all right, if you see the 'taken' text there then it means the studio ID you wish to use is already used. In this case choose another studio name or add additional letters to it, so for example if 'goldstudio' is already taken then try to add 'goldstudiox' or choose another studio account name.
  • Password: you will need to add a password, mind to add a safe one that only you know. If the registration process is finished then you can change your password to a new one later any time.
  • Email address:

It is important to add an email address where you are available any time and able to access, because:

  • we will send a confirmation link to this email address if you change your account settings (adding your contact information, uploading your age verification document (scanned ID), personal information, billing address, payment method and payout limit)
  • we can contact you any time through this email address about important issues, alerts (e.g. your payout)
  • we send our newsletters here about our contests, news, important updates about the site

Note: if you use free email providers make sure to mark SoulCams as a trusted sender. For example yahoo and hotmail email providers usually deliver our emails to the junk/spam folder. Make sure to mark the email as 'not spam' so the emails sent by us could arrive to your inbox instead of the spam/junk folder). Learn more here about the ways you can whitelist @soulcams with different email providers
Read and accept the Studio agreement and hit 'Signup'. Once done your studio account is created and you can start registering your models.


Contact information

  • Email address: you can change here your email address. Make sure to spell the new email address correctly.
  • Additional contact ways: you need to add a working additional contact way besides your email address as sometimes we are unable to reach performers/studios through their email addresses. Add at least one working additional contact way: Skype, Yahoo Messenger or ICQ. If you have more from them then add all you have if possible, if you have only one from them then put N/A to the others.

Personal information

  • Make sure to fill out this part properly since it is required to send your payments. Add your full legal name, your birth date.
  • Scanned photo ID document: to get paid you need to upload a scanned copy of one of your government-issued photo IDs. The format of the document must be jpg/jpeg and under 5 Mbytes file size. If you saved it to your PC then open it first to check if it has a qood quality and readable.

If done then click on 'Select file' button, search for it on your PC and if done click on the Start button to upload them.

Please upload a photo ID document which contains:

  • your full legal name
  • a photo of you
  • your birth date (year-month-day) (which proves you are over 18 years old)
  • the ID number of the ID document
  • your nationality
  • the validation / expiry date of the ID document

'Face and ID' photo: please take an image on which you hold your photo ID in your hand close to your face (this has to be the document you uploaded in scanned form before). Make sure that the ID is readable and your face and the ID are both well-visible. The image must be with good quality.

Billing Address

To get your payout from us it is essential to provide your address (street, number, city, country). Don't select a state unless you are a US/Canadian resident. Make sure the information you give is right

Payout information

You can set the minimum payout limit here and link your FirstChoice Pay account to us or signup for FirstChoice Pay if you do not have an account with them yet. To know more about the payout methods, payout limit, payout dates read the Payment methods and rules field.


To learn how to register your models please read the Account structure on SoulCams section